VPN (Virtual Private Networking) is one of the most cost effective ways to connect and share your company resources, files and printers over the internet.

With a RAS server and VPN client installed on your workstation you can access a single database from all of your remote locations via the internet. This will aid in the consolidation of your data, staff, security, and expense.

CompuGen can install and configure your main and remote office locations with RAS and VPN services (utilizing your existing staff). We can help you acquire everything you need to get you up and running in just a few days. No travel required.

With the assistance of CompuGen's staff many of our customers are  capable of configuring their VPN locations, some choose to have their location setup on-site by a CompuGen trained technician. This service is available and requires the customer absorb 100% of any and all travel related expenses in addition to our standard hourly rate.

Please call (972)918-9797 or EMAIL us today for a quote on the VPN solution that's right for you.

[more info...]

Utilize the power of
Windows NT®
& Internet Information Server® 4.0 to make your web site come alive. Get your own domain name hosted on our
powerful  Windows
NT-based server.

[email protected]

P.O. Box 180461 
Dallas, TX.  *  75218 
(972) 9189797
VPN * Virtual Private Networking
CompuGen * Computer * repair *  services